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Uma Jolie grew was born in Fairbank on April 8, 1995, but grew up in Los Angeles. At one period of her life she lived in Woodland hills. As a young girl she loved going hiking and enjoyed nature a lot. She was hanging out with smart people and loved to learn. When she was sixteen years old she lost her virginity to a boy she liked but it was terrible and very painful experience, which traumatized her and she didn’t have sex for one year. A year before that she was with a girl. Even though she is now in the porn industry, she was never a promiscuous girl; in fact she was always in committed relationships and had only a few guys before she started doing porn.
In her spare time, Uma loves to hang out with good and smart people. She loves leaning and is very much into astrology and studying the stars. When she doesn’t shoot scenes she loves going to the beach. Uma is very close with her family whom she describes as crazy, party animals who love her and support her no matter what. Her hobbies include traveling and cooking; she is a person who truly enjoys food and among her favorite cuisines are Mediterranean, Greek, Venezuelan, Thai and Indian.