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Riley Steele is an American pornographic actress. She is regarded as one of the hottest pornstars in the world. Riley is famous for appearing in the hit sex parody Pirates II. She made her mainstream debut with Piranha 3D.
Riley Steele was born as Brittni Anne Palmer. Riley Steele was born on 26 August 1987. She grew up in Escondido, California. Before becoming an adult actress she started out working at Starbucks and at a golf course snack bar. She was a big fan of pornography. Riley Steele traveled to Hollywood just for the signing for Pirates, where she met some of her favorite stars. She is a big fan of Jesse Jane. Jesse advised her to try out in the industry.
In January 2011, she co-hosted the AVN Awards. In July 2012, Steele announced her very brief retirement from porn along with fellow Digital Playground contract girl BiBi Jones, both citing unfulfilled promises by the adult industry. She later explained that this was a joke She said that she passionately loved the adult industry, along with all her co-stars, and was enjoying herself far too much to ever think about quitting. She appeared in Piranha 3D as Crystal in a minor role.