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A-cup slut Mackenzie Moss is brand new to the porn industry. Sometimes when you are browsing the archives of the Hub, you spend far too long looking for the perfect model. “This one’s too small, this one’s not energetic enough, this one doesn’t speak my language.” Well, that’s when you have to look to the OG goldilocks, Mack Moss. This girl is straight out of a storybook. Her cascading golden locks, model-like figure, and gorgeous face make her a delight. Born in the great state of California, Mackenzie is just five-four.
This twenty-four-year-old smoke show is has a petite figure that packs the perfect amount of punch. Her round ass has plenty of cushion for the pushin’ and her tiny A-cup titties are cute as a button. She really is the complete package – and that’s not even taking her performances into account. It’s unlikely that you’ll find more than a couple of her clips on any tube site, but that’s okay because seeing her in Cum4k is even better. Brace yourself for an immersive and intimate scene. Sliding inside Mackenzie’s pussy while her hard nipples hover above your face will have you reaching out for a squeeze in the comfort of your own living room. Grab your dick and fuck this stunning girl, only on