Cum4k will give you every week updates of 4K porn with sex videos, in which we will have a lot of sperm and unforgettable impressions. We study the darker sides of taboo sex in family, desires that rarely bring you usual life. Excellent porn video with popular pornstars, we work every day to give you true pleasure, and the sexual satisfaction.
Kenna James, whose real name was not published so far, was born in Evansville, Indiana and was quite the shy and nerdy girl. She could be found in the corners reading books and minding her own business. Compared to what she is today, she was a completely different girl. Being the shy girl, she didn’t even think of herself as a pretty girl, nor did she ever use her looks or sex to get what she wanted. Once she started stripping, Kenna got out of her shell and started feeling comfortable in her own skin. Once she turned 20 she became part of the porn industry and is relatively new there (one year active). She declares herself as a bisexual and truly loves filming scenes with girls, and believes that only with girls she can create beautiful scenes (not with guys).
Contrary to most porn stars, before she became an adult performer, Kenna was only with three guys, but when comes to girls she has lost her count. From all the scenes she filmed, the ones that she performed with Mia Malkova are her favorite. In 2015 she was Penthouse Pet of the Month (Miss February) and Twistys Treat of the Month – April 2015, and as of this year she is Penthouse Pet of the Year Miss 2016. Kenna says that she has no fantasies, because once she entered the porn world, her life turned into a fantasy. Lots of kissing turns her on and when she is with a woman she prefers no toys, because that way it is more intimate for her. When comes to masturbation, Kenna James is a real Hitachi addict and she uses it almost every day.