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Hannah Hawthorne comes from a small city in Pennsylvania, called York. She was born on August 17, 2000. Hannah is one of the so-called true Millennials in the porn industry. She has a lovely face, which is covered with freckles, which gives her additional charm. Her body is really nice and her tits, with tiny nipples, have the size of 32C. Her ass is solid and perfectly round. You will easily recognize her pussy, as one in a million, because of her really big clitoris. She has a small heart tattooed on her left breast. Her left nostril is pierced.
Hannah was never a fan of porn movies, and she didn’t watch them at all. After she finished a high-school, she worked as a waitress in a local pub, and as a cashier in a golf club. She has always been self-confident about her body and was never shy. So many unknown people told her that she has a beautiful body. She thought, if they want to look at it, why the hell not use it.