Cum4k will give you every week updates of 4K porn with sex videos, in which we will have a lot of sperm and unforgettable impressions. We study the darker sides of taboo sex in family, desires that rarely bring you usual life. Excellent porn video with popular pornstars, we work every day to give you true pleasure, and the sexual satisfaction.
If you are familiar with everything that the Internet has to offer – and especially the adult regions of the web – you must have heard the name Chanel Shortcake at least once. Somehow this petite blonde whore can be found all over the place, and mentions about her can be spotted on the YouTube, Instagram, Reddit, IMDB, Facebook and many other social media channels. This fresh-faced tiny gold-haired goddess is relatively new in the adult business, but thanks to her appearance in the Cum4k series, she has already built herself a brand.
Before, the girl was barely starring in any virtual reality porn videos, so we are more than happy that she could work with our 4K camera and show herself, basically, the very first time – and we are sure that her fans will be pleased as well, when they will find out that Chanel can now be viewed from pretty much every angle, and her perfect body has been recorded in full glory of 4K ultra high definition. The girl is perfect for some teen porn fantasies, as – which is obvious after looking at her – she is barely 18 and looks like she would have left the high school only few weeks ago – thankfully we have her graduated and she is an adult, though, so we can watch her incredible body and talents inside of our immersive porn environment.