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Born in Barcelona, Spain, on October 15th 1983, this Spanish blond made her first porn movie in 2008 when she was twenty-five years old. Brigitte B is her actual and only pseudonym and her real name is Luz Abreu. But, even though she is born in Europe she has started her career in the United States of America where she moved in 2004. Before engaging herself in the porn industry, she was attending Kent State University of Ohio, where she was a member of the sorority Chi Omega. She didn’t drop out college, but she graduated and holds a bachelor degree in Fashion Merchandizing.
Her fans, both male and female are fascinated from her, often calling her the classy porn star. Fans of hers from around the world that have met her claim that she was super sweet and kind with them, giving them advices on how to improve their intimate life and relationship by adding diversity in their bedrooms.