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Bella Rose is a girl that is not only sweet but as tiny as she is tight. If you are looking to see someone innocent get turned into a slut, then this is your girl. She hasn’t been in the industry for long, so the chances are that this is your first time hearing about her today. You might be a hipster and heard of her first on such sites as Digital Sin, but she doesn’t seem to work with one company for a long time. Kittens and Cougars 10 was her first movie that was lesbian only and released last year by the people at Zero Tolerance. Watch What Your Mommy Does came out this year and is a web scene that you can see on teamskeet.
Do I think we will see more of her? Look past the fact that she only has 45 films then you will notice a pretty decent track record. It is already early in the year, and she released more than six films in four months. So I am putting my chips on yes and keeping my fingers crossed.Bella is one of those girls that has a little experience with everything.